Are you a writer trying to reach the inner marrow of your story—what’s inside your characters and the journey you want to take them on?

Are you looking for acknowledgment of the difficult aspects of writing—the hours spent staring at the page, the reworking of scenes, the nagging sense that something is still not right—as well as the joys—a character’s self-discovery, a well-crafted sentence, and ultimately, an emotional arc that carries a reader beyond a story's final word?

Are you looking at a blank page with no idea how to begin or wading through pages unsure of how to revise?

A book coach can help!

I serve writers crafting stories of transformation and wonder, because I believe that the work and joy of being human is centered on how we grow as individuals and communities. I work with writers in all genres of fiction as well as memoir, but specialize in writing for young readers.

As a coach, I offer individual attention to the writer, their journey as a writer and their current project. I help my clients discover the emotional core of their story and weave that thread from the first page to the last. I embody an honest and compassionate approach to feedback.

Learn more about coaching opportunities with Joanna here.

Photograph courtesy of David Stubbs

Testimonials from Joanna’s clients:

  • “Working with Joanna on my middle grade fiction manuscript helped me motivate to write, clarify my “why”, and identify my next steps forward as I continue drafting. Joanna’s insights on my Blueprint were tailored precisely to my stage in the drafting process, and offered both encouragement and constructive feedback. It is sometimes hard for me to justify spending time working on a writing project that has nothing to do with my day job and family life; to carve precious hours out to create. Working with Joanna helped me remember why I want to write this story, and her coaching made me feel like I am up to the task. I’m grateful for her expertise!”

  • “I was indeed fortunate to work with Joanna Cooke on a manuscript I'd been working on and struggling with for years. Her careful reading and insightful comments helped me find loose threads of the story that needed to be woven further through the telling, and to look more closely at the story I wanted to tell.

    "What do you want your story to say about this?" she asked me, regarding a crucial element my novel "danced around", but one which I had not yet fully grasped the power of, and had thus not fully developed.   Becoming aware of that central thread and thinking carefully about what it was that I wanted to say about it, gave me just the direction I needed to begin my next revision - and as Joanna said it would, it became "the glue" that would hold the story together.”

  • “[Joanna is] positive, encouraging, and offers skilled and insightful feedback. Having Joanna's support in writing and revising my query letter and synopsis was tremendously beneficial, and I'm thrilled with the list of potential agents that she thoughtfully curated for me. Joanna helped me get unstuck and provided clear next steps so that my goal of becoming a published writer feels more achievable.”

I have a varied educational journey that informs my coaching. I recently became a certified to coach fiction writers through Author Accelerator’s respected book coaching program; I am currently working toward my certification in their nonfiction program. I hold an MFA in Writing for Young People from Lesley University and an MEd in Elementary Education from Prescott College. I have published trade books for young readers as well as books for the educational market.

Sign up for a free discovery call here!